
Econ 331 excel project plot 2 graphs one on the times


Listen to this video as/after you work on your graph. The lecture is on the 'Aftermath of the Financial Crisis' given by Ben Bernanke in March 29th 2012.


Slides are available here that go with the speech. Listen and follow the slides.


Plot 2 graphs. One on the times series of the stacked area columns of the assets of the Fed's balance sheet from 2006 to now. You will use a very large database of weekly data (attached). You can decide how to divvy up your 2 graphs, choosing the variables or aggregates that you wish to emphasize: consolidating some variables, but leaving others unconsolidated.  Your plot of stacked assets or liabilities should add up to total assets or liabilities.  You could also add capital to the liability graph if you think it relevant. Assets that you may wish to emphasize are holdings of Treasury securities, vs mortgage backed securities, or Federal Agency debt, or loans to AIG or some other item. Weekly versions of the balance sheet are available https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41/ which might help you to interpret the Excel file which is taken from table 5. Of the H41 release.

Alternatively, as a last resort, if you find it too difficult to work with such a large dataset, you can simply create your own simple database from the tables of selected assets and liabilities at the Fed website:  https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst_recenttrends.htm. Use the drop down boxes to get selected assets and selected liabilities.

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Microeconomics: Econ 331 excel project plot 2 graphs one on the times
Reference No:- TGS01716995

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