
Econ 321 it seems like more trouble to add a third point to

1. [Reading] For this question, you are asked to read PART OF the following article:

Grafe, R. (2003). The globalisation of codfish and wool: Spanish-English-North American Triangular trade in the early modern period [LSE Working Paper No. 71/03].

You ONLY need to read PART of the article, from "Spanish wool fetched very good prices" on p. 13 to "in the Castilian Hinterland" on p. 26.



a. Write a 3-2-1 report on the article using the form provided on the course web site. (12 marks)

b. Based on what you have read, briefly explain why triangular trade (A to B to C to A) was preferred to direct trade (A to B to A) in the context of English trade in cod and wool in the 1600s and 1700s.

It seems like more trouble to add a third point to the journey - why not stick to trade between two points, maybe having separate trips for cod and wool? What made triangular trade more profitable? (3 marks)

2. [Research] This question will introduce you to the British Colonist Archive, a web site you may find useful as you search for a site to be the subject of your group project.

a. (1 mark) Go to random and generate a random date between January 1, 1858 and December 31, 1950:

b. (2 marks) Find an historical newspaper from your date from part a.

i. Go to britishcolonist

ii. Click on ‘Browse by Date'.

iii. In ‘Select a Year', select the year corresponding to your date from part a. Next, click on the month and day corresponding to your date. If there is no newspaper available for that date, re-do part a.

iv. You should now be looking at a Colonist newspaper for the date you selected. Write down the URL for that newspaper below:

c. Read through the newspaper until you find an article or advertisement that provides insight into the economic history of Victoria, Vancouver Island or British Columbia. Write down a citation of the article (or advertisement) in APA style, and a brief summary of what it contains.

(2 marks) Citation (APA style):

(4 marks) Brief Summary:

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Dissertation: Econ 321 it seems like more trouble to add a third point to
Reference No:- TGS02786405

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