
Ecom-421 how can your company look for a new market spaces

E-Busi.Strategies&Busi. Models

Attempt to answer the Questions of the following related to your organization. (Note: Questions should be in the serial order with references wherever is required).

1. How can your company look for a new market spaces outside its own industry?

2. Explain the six paths framework, and how can it be used to create value for your e-business?

3. Why should your company consider deconstructing its value chain over the internet?

4. What are the advantages and drawbacks of implementing an e-purchasing system?

5. What B2B purchasing model would your company use? What criteria you used to determine B2B Model?

6. What are nine steps involved in the e-business strategy formulation roadmap?

7. What strategic issues does your company need to address when adding clicks and bricks?

8. What option does your company have for solving the online/offline channel conflict?

9. What possible revenue streams can your company consider for its e-commerce activities?

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Business Economics: Ecom-421 how can your company look for a new market spaces
Reference No:- TGS02281675

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