
Ecological succession

Question 1: The gradual and predictable modification in the species composition of a given area is termed as ecological succession. What do you mean with the pioneer and climax community in this context?

Question 2: Expand the given terms and describe them:

a) IVF
c) IUI
d) MTP

Question 3: Write down the genetic basis for proof that codon is a triplet and is read in the contiguous manner devoid of punctuations?

Question 4: What do you mean by the term satellite DNA in a genome? Describe their role in the DNA fingerprinting.

Question 5: Microbes play a dual role whenever employed for sewage treatment as they not only help to retrieve the usable water however as well generates fuel. Describe.

Question 6: What does BOD of a water body signify for? How is it associated to water pollution?

Question 7: A vector is engineered with three features that facilitate its cloning in the host cell. List some of the features and describe each one of them.

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Biology: Ecological succession
Reference No:- TGS09144

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