
ecological adaptations in animals to desert

Ecological adaptations in animals to desert environment

In response to scarcity of water, animats adcipt vario6s strategies to conserve or prevent loss of water. Most of the degt animals have burrowing habit and are nocturnal, i.e.. they become active after sunet to avoid warm day temperature. Some have impervious spiny skins, (e.g.,hedge hog) and while others have the capacity to store large amounts of water (e.g. camel). Water is produced during fat metabolism in camels called metabolic water. Dry urine is discharged to conserve water. Besides, they undergo aestivation to escape from scorching heat. In grasslands and forests, water requirements of animals are met by the food,water wells and Streams. The moisture contents and the amount of intake and oqtput of water varies widely among the terrestrial animals 'and is greatly influenced by the habitat conditions.

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Biology: ecological adaptations in animals to desert
Reference No:- TGS0178593

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