
Ecofeminist objection to deep ecology

Here are two problems to write about - they are related; you can emphasize just one, or write about both.How would you defend deep ecology against these charges?

a. consider this ecofeminist objection to deep ecology: it lumps the whole human race together, blaming it for trashing the planet. But is it really everyone's fault, or is it primarily the rich, the powerful, the privileged, the white, and above all, the male?

b. consider this objection from Murray Bookchin and the social ecologists: the changes demanded by deep ecology would have to be so rapid and so radical that they could only be accomplished by force. For example, if it is really true that we must quickly reduce the human population by 90% or more, how is this to be done without coercion from an all-powerful "eco-fascist" government?

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Other Subject: Ecofeminist objection to deep ecology
Reference No:- TGS01754185

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