
Eco 100 microeconomics project presentation explain and


Course Learning Outcomes:

  • Comprehend the relevance and importance of economics in our lives.
  • Explain and discuss the various economic decision-making in various market models
  • Analyze the economic problem of scarcity, wants and choice.
  • Use verbal, graphical, and simple algebraic tools to analyze microeconomic issues.
  • Interpret elasticity of supply and demand in the competitive world of pure competition, monopoly, oligopoly.
  • Relate the course information to the current economic situations.

Project Topic: Any Topic Regarding the Microeconomics Issues.


1. Activity is individual OR a group not more than two


1. Topic Emphasis, Content and quality

2. Presentation format and skill

3. PPT (power point) Design and Layout


1. Presentation Style, Skill including Vocabulary.

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Macroeconomics: Eco 100 microeconomics project presentation explain and
Reference No:- TGS01593672

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