
Ecn 215 - econometrics project the project itself should be

Econometrics Project -

From this point on you will be working on an econometric project-where you choose your own topic, gather your data, and carry out an analysis.

  • Select a topic. I will give various suggestions on this point. I do not insist on a lengthy review of the literature on the topic/issue you choose, but you should read some existing studies to get an idea of what have been considered sensible models.
  • Search (the internet and/or traditional printed sources and/or the databases available via gretl) for relevant data.
  • Write up a short proposal (one decent-sized paragraph would do) outlining the question you plan to address, citing a few relevant sources, and giving an indication of where you will get your data. This proposal should be handed to me by Friday, October 27.

I will check your proposals for suitability and consult with you individually on possible (additional) readings and data sources.

The project itself should be structured as follows (with some room for variation):

1. Introduction: An explanation of what you're investigating and why.

2. Literature review: This can be brief, but see above.

3. The data: A thorough, detailed account of your data sources and the precise meaning of the various variables, their units of measurement and so on. (As you go along, be sure to keep a detailed record; this is very difficult to reconstruct afterwards.) Basic descriptive statistics would be good here, and probably some graphs too. (If the data set itself is not too massive it should be printed as an Appendix to the final paper.)

4. Your modeling: I don't need a complete blow-by-blow history of every model you estimate, but I do want an account of where you started and, at least in general terms, how you arrived at your preferred model(s).

5. Testing: A careful account of relevant hypothesis tests and their meaning.

6. Conclusions: At the end of the day, what can you say about the topic you chose, based on the results of your econometric modeling and testing?

7. Suggestions for further work: It may be that having come to the end of this project you see ways in which it could be developed further, additional sorts of data that would be useful, and so on. If so, please report this.

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Econometrics: Ecn 215 - econometrics project the project itself should be
Reference No:- TGS02521114

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