
Ece465gece565 project - semi-controlled rectifier plotting

Project - Semi-Controlled Rectifier

This is a group project.

Part I: single phase

The single-phase semi-controlled rectifier lab will be carried out based on the schematic as shown in Figure 1.  The input voltage to the rectifier is v1 = 100√2 sin ωt(V), f = 60 Hz. Its rms will be measured by volt-meter 1 during the lab. The load voltage (voltage across RL load) is named as Vout. Its average value and ripple value will be measured by volt-meter 2 during the lab. Please simulate this rectifier with firing angels of 45 degree, 90 degree, and 135 degree respectively, and fill out table 1 by

a. plotting the voltage waveforms of Vout,

b. estimating the RMS value of Vout, and

c. estimating the average value of Vout.


Table 1 summary of the simulation results


α = 45o

α = 90o

α = 135o

Vout (waveform)


Vout_rms (V)


Vout_average (V)


Hint: the input transformer and the power meter don't need to be simulated. If you choose using OrCAD Capture, please refer to "Thyrect1.opj" from PE-folder. If you choose using Simulink/Simpower, please utilize RMS and average blocks.

Part II: Three Phase

Figure 2 displays the schematic used in three-phase semi-controlled rectifier lab. The three-phase input voltage (f = 60Hz) can be expressed as

va = 100√2 sin(ωt), vb = 100√2 sin(ωt - 120o), vc = 100√2 sin(ωt + 120o)


Please simulate this rectifier with firing angels of 45 degree, 90 degree, and 135 degree respectively, and fill out table 2 by

a. plotting the voltage waveforms of Vout (output voltage across RL load),

b. estimating the RMS value of Vout, and

c. estimating the average value of Vout.

Hint: the input transformer and the power meter don't need to be simulated. If you choose using OrCAD Capture, please refer to "Thyrect3.opj" from PE-folder.

Table 2 summary of the simulation results


α = 45o

α = 90o

α = 135o

Vout_rms (V)


Vout_average (V)


Vout (waveform)


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Electrical Engineering: Ece465gece565 project - semi-controlled rectifier plotting
Reference No:- TGS02649312

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