
Ece141 - principles of feedback control design project

Principles of Feedback Control Design Project: Controller Design for a Fast Tool Servo (FTS)

Introduction - In this project, you will design controllers for a Fast Tool Servo (FTS) system. This project is a slightly modified version of the project prepared by Prof. David Trumper at MIT and is based on the work done by X. Lu in his Ph.D. thesis.

The design project involves the following tasks:

(i) Design an OpAmp-based high-bandwidth controller for the current control loop for driving the actuator.

(ii) Identify the dynamics of the FTS electromechanical plant from the measured frequency response data.

(iii) Design a position controller for the servo system in order to eliminate the steady-state tracking error for a constant position reference (i.e., step input), and at the same time, minimize the steady-state tracking error for a sinusoidal reference position trajectory, in the presence of sensor noise.

Fast Tool Servos can be used with diamond turning machines and provide the ability to cut ultra-precise non-symmetric contoured micro features at very high speeds. They have found applications in different areas of high-precision industrial manufacturing such as contact lenses, optical films, micro-optical devices and lenses, etc.

MATLAB Design Template

All your simulations for this project will be done in MATLAB. For your convenience and for consistent presentation of your results, you are provided with a MATLAB template m-file posted on CCLE: ECE141 Final Project Template.m

Please note the following:

(i) You must add your own code within the template to perform the different design tasks, and you must then initialize the transfer functions and the variables currently declared as [ ] within the template.

(ii) The variable names used in the template match the diagrams and the project description here. Do not change any variable names already declared in the template and do not overwrite any of the given values. You can obviously add any additional variables you may need as part of your design process.

(iii) Based on your design, the template will generate all the required plots and report all the required parameters.

Project Deliverables - The project deliverables include:

(i) Project Report: A few pages describing the design process you followed including how you came up with your controllers, and how you addressed the design trade-offs and optimized your controllers. Also please include all the relevant calculations, data, and plots.

(ii) MATLAB m-file: This will be the MATLAB m-file where you started with the provided tem-plate and added all the steps in your design simulation and properly initialized all the required values and transfer functions.

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MATLAB Programming: Ece141 - principles of feedback control design project
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