
Eastman kodak comprehensive analysis case using the

Question: Eastman Kodak Comprehensive Analysis Case Using the Financial Statement Analysis Template Each chapter in the textbook contains a continuation of this problem. The objective is to learn how to do a comprehensive financial statement analysis in steps as you learn the content of each chapter.

(a) The financial statement analysis template can be found at the following Web site: www.prenhall.com/fraser. Once you have linked to the template you should see a window that asks whether you want to enable the macros. You must click on "Enable Macros" to use the template. (You may have to change the security setting on your computer in order to use this feature.) Familiarize yourself with the instructions. The tab for the instructions is at the bottom of your screen and is labeled "ReadMe." Print out a copy of the instructions to be used for all Eastman Kodak problems in each chapter of the text. Click on the link at the bottom of the screen labeled "Cover." Enter all of the required data in the template for Eastman Kodak. Use the instructions to help you locate the necessary information. The amount for "Rent Expense" can be found in Note 11 w1der the heading "Other Commitments and Contingencies." When filling in the cash flow data use the cash flow numbers for continuing operations only. Print the cover sheet when it is completed. Save the template on your computer or a disk in order to use it with subsequent problems in later chapters.

(b) Access newspaper and periodical articles about Eastman Kodak to learn of any information that would be helpful in understanding the company's financial condition as well as future plans. Summarize what you learn in a short paper.

(c) Access the 2007 Eastman Kodak Aru1ual Report and Form 10-K at www .prenhall.com/fraser and use these two reports to do the following: Review Items 1, 3, and 4 of the Form 10-K as well as the Report of Independent Registered Public Accow1ting Firm fow1d in Item 8. Write a concise summary of the important items learned from reading these items.

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