early recurrence of angina soon after the patient

Early: Recurrence of angina soon after the patient resumes activities is either due to inadequate 1.evascula1isation or acute graft closure. In the immediate post-operative period if ECG shows significant fresh changes or if there is unexplained hypotension acute graft occlusion has to be suspected. The best treatment is immediate re operation and re grafting for the occluded conduit. Very often, re grafting can be done off pump (OPCAB) or on caldio pulmonary bypass. Early recurrence of angina peaks around 3'" month when patient has resumed normal activities. Coronary angiogram has to be done again and patient should have either angioplasty or repeal surgery depending on the findings.

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Biology: early recurrence of angina soon after the patient
Reference No:- TGS0417769

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