
Earlier the cfo of gbatt had you look at capital and

Assignment 1: Discussion-International Equity and Bond Markets

Earlier, the CFO of GBATT had you look at capital and financial structures in general. Now, the CFO has asked you to look at the international debt and equity markets available for GBATT as a precursor to possibly changing the firm's capital structure.
Using the University online library resources and reliable and reputable Internet sites, do the following to provide the information the CFO requested:

  • Analyze why GBATT may want to issue stock shares in a foreign market.
  • Identify 3 international equity markets and evaluate their attractiveness to GBATT.
  • Identify two groups of bonds in the international bond market, describe the characteristics of each group, and explain why GBATT may want to issue debt in each of the groups.
  • Support your positions with scholarly sources.

Assignment 2: International Balance of Payments

For most goods and services bought and sold in a marketplace, prices are determined by supply and demand. Exchange rates are no different. Absent government or central bank interference, the supply of and demand for currencies determine their prices.

Do the following to complete this assignment:

  1. Explain the international balance of payments (BOP) and the reason for its use.
  2. Examine how surpluses and deficits in the balance of payments (BOP) affect exchange rates.
  3. Explain the balance of payment (BOP) summary accounts and the process through which surpluses and deficits are tracked through their use.
  4. Provide an example by creating a balance of payment summary account sample, including a surplus or deficit.

Write a 3-pages paper in Word format. Utilize at least three scholarly sources in your research. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the APA format.

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Finance Basics: Earlier the cfo of gbatt had you look at capital and
Reference No:- TGS01007649

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