Nova - Ancient Computers
Watch this Nova for some last minute extra credit. Please submit a short (1 page) report.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/ancient-computer.html (Links to an external site.)
You may need to search You Tube to find it.
Each year the School of Science, Mathematics and Engineering hosts a symposium (Links to an external site.) show-casing student work, during spring semester. A good project for the symposium can take several weeks or even months to develop... which means you should be starting now if you'd like to participate. Although the Symposium isn't until next spring.... as incentive for you to participate I am offering 30 points of extra credit if you submit a project on this assignment page that is ready to present at the symposium. This is equivalent to approximately1.5% of your grade. Your project could be a:
Technical Poster (Links to an external site.)
Oral Presentation/Demonstration (Links to an external site.)
Written Submission (Links to an external site.)
Follow the links above for more details on each of the categories. Your project must be related to Numerical Methods to earn credit in this class, and can not have been submitted to another class for credit.