Do research on two modern theologians with significantly different positions. Choose from the following:
Karl Barth
Leonardo Boff
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
James Cone
Millard Erickson
Stanley Grenz
David Ray Griffin
Wayne Grudem
Colin Gunton
Gustavo Gutierrez
Stanley Hauerwas
Carl F. H. Henry
Charles Hodge
Robert Jenson
Catherine Keller
James McClendon, Jr.
Sallie McFague
Jürgen Moltmann
H. Reinhold Niebuhr
J.I. Packer
Wolfhart Pannenberg
Rosemary Radford Ruether
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Paul Tillich
T.F. (Thomas) Torrance
Kevin Vanhoozer
B.B. Warfield
John Howard Yoder
J. Rodman Williams
N.T. Wright
Write a 1,500-2,000 word comparison paper on theological methodology and prolegomena of the two chosen modern theologians who hold significantly different positions. Include the following:
1. Each theologian's definition of the theological task including the nature and goal of theology as a spiritual, academic, and churchly discipline.
2. Each theologian's description of methodology for theology in accordance with the nature of God and God's revelation.
3. Each theologian's approach to being "biblically faithful" in theology.