
Each student will be responsible for submitting one 1

Research Papers:

Each student will be responsible for submitting one (1) research paper. The paper will be six (6) to eight (8) pages in length. The paper will be typed (double spaced). Works cited page must be included following MLA practices.

Select topic from the following list:

  • International Criminal Courts: origin, history, rationale, cases, jurisdiction, reasons for / against involvement.
  • Criminal, social, historical and political aspects of genocide (compare three acts)
  • International Human Rights Law-nature, extent, evolution of the law
  • Doctrine of Diplomatic Immunity: history, use/abuse, rationalefor doctrine
  • Crime associated with urbanization
  • Compare and contrast justice systems of two nations: history, law enforcement policies, courts and corrections.

General format for research papers:

All projects must use criminological concepts, theories and principles. The student must demonstrate a clear ability to apply criminological reasoning and higher order thinking skills.

The student's name and course number must appear on the first page of the research paper.

Firmly staple the project. Do not invest in any type of cover/folder. Do not use paper clips.

Copying anything from any source without proper notation is an offense with serious consequence.

The final assessment of the research paper will be based on the following criteria: clarity of project, organization of materials, content and thorough examination of materials and scholarly reference.

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Dissertation: Each student will be responsible for submitting one 1
Reference No:- TGS01727805

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