
Each student is to develop a power point presentation

Assessment - Adaptation of a Classroom Environment

Each student is to develop a power point presentation showing features of the inclusive classroom environment adapted for a child with a specific disability for any of the following area:

  • Autism
  • Speech or language development
  • Cognitive or developmental disorder
  • ADHD
  • Orthopedic impairments (CP)

You presentations should show the environment you will use to accommodate your specific child. Identify the key processes of curriculum adaptions that can be made in the classrooms for your specific child.

Student should present at least 2 resources (in two different subject areas) that the specific child could use. Identify which area of development (E.g. self - care. cognitive, fine/grossmotor, social emotional) will be supported using the specific resource.

These must be practical ideas where teachers in Maldivian schools can bring such changes or accommodations.

Students will be graded based on the following areas:

  • Organization
  • Subject knowledge/Presentation techniques
  • Presentation of videos/ teaching resources to help in the specific area
  • Eye contact and delivery.

Number of: 15 slides.

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Dissertation: Each student is to develop a power point presentation
Reference No:- TGS02683015

Expected delivery within 24 Hours