
Each student is then required to write a brief commentary

This assignment is aimed at extending understandings through collaborative critical exploration of individual presentations. Following the postings of all the presentations by individual students, each student is asked view and read the PowerPoint slides of their peers. Each student is then required to write a brief commentary on their own learning by examining the collective contributions to this unit made by all students.

To do this, students are invited to adopt a frame of analysis which covers organizational imperatives impacting on EC settings such as

  • Core business/service orientation, including vision and mission
  • Operational context/environment-local/national/international
  • Internal and external stakeholder perspectives/ interests
  • Organizational policies and procedures, effects and outcomes

You can include as many or as few of these variables in analysing the presentations. Where possible/appropriate, find ways to link this collective analysis to your own presentation/topic but this is not essential. Keep the focus on what you have gained in terms of learning from the presentations of your peers in this unit.

Presentations -


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Dissertation: Each student is then required to write a brief commentary
Reference No:- TGS02294705

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