Need a final paper for Finance. Here is the prompt.
Each student is required to conduct a detailed analysis of a company as part of a term paper. The analysis will look at issues like:
Industry description; composition (domestic versus imports; large firms versus small firms); prospects.
- Company governance; Board structure; CEO background and track record; organizational chart
- Company operations; products; geographical penetration
- Complete financial ratio analysis - five years and comparison with industry averages or peer firm figures
- Stock market history
- Bond ratings
Management's assessment in the annual report
Your assessment of the company's present and future prospects. Would you buy stocks in the Company and why?
Sources: Company Reports, International Directory of Company Histories; Hoover's Handbook of American Business; S&P Industry Surveys; Service Industries USA; Darnay - Manufacturing USA (Industry Analyses, Statistics and Leading Companies); Hoover's Handbook of American Business (Profiles of Major US Companies); Moody's Industrial Manual.