1. Each student explain a different example of a product that exemplifies a global strategy or multidomestic strategy. Do not use examples from the text. If you have traveled outside the country, use examples you have noticed in person.
2. Tell us your entrepreneurial idea, and then help your fellow students analyze their ideas, using the concepts from this chapter. Students often come to class with their papers unstapled. There should be a stapler mounted on the wall of each classroom, much like a pencil sharpener. That's my idea. What's yours?
3. Strategy could be defined as "The alignment of an organization with it's environment." Sports align themselves with their current environment by changes in rules that control the sport. Football has changed from a running to a passing game because of rule changes. Here's another example: The problem with basketball rules is, the score is totalled throughout the game, so a team knows it can play badly and still recover, as long as they win at the end. The sport would be more exciting if they would score it like tennis: Best of five "sets" or periods in the case of basketball. That would force the players to play hard to win each period. Each student give a different example of how a sport is out of alignment with the environment, because the rules control the sport improperly. If they adopted your rule change, more people would watch the sport.
4. Explain two outsourcing examples: Something you personally outsource, and something a large company outsources. Explain the advantage of each in terms of the "modular organization" explanation in the textbook.
Here's an example: I outsource the laundering of my dress shirts so I can focus my time where I have greater competitive advantage. The Cheesecake Factory outsources the care of the plants in the restaurant so it can tap into the knowledge of its suppliers.
5. Explain briefly how a leader you are aware of uses one of the sources of power mentioned in chapter 11 (Organizational based of power: legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, information power. Personal base of power: referent power, expert power). The best example is your current boss, but if that does not work, choose another.