Each slide must have the requisite speaker notes to explain

Assignment: Course Project Guidelines

Microsoft Company

Company for below project

Your course project will consist of a 15-20-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. These slides will help you present your investment idea to the President and CEO of the public company. As such, the slides must be well crafted to help convince the leader of the company of the need for the investment, the possible risks, and potential returns. Remember, the slides should outline the key points to be made and not overwhelm the viewer with too many details. You will provide the details in the speaker notes for each slide. The slide presentation must include:

1. Cover page listing the company, project, date, and presenter.

2. Sufficient background so that a potential investor understands the business.

3. The investment idea and summary justification.

4. Enough historic data from the worksheet you develop in Modules 3 and 4 to give an investor an understanding of revenues, costs, expenses, cash flows, and potential returns in dollars and using capital budgeting analysis concepts to demonstrate viability.

5. The break-even of the project.

6. Your final analysis summary that details why the company should invest the money in this project.

7. Speaker notes in your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to include background information that you would communicate verbally in a presentation. This speaker notes content should be the length necessary to explain the outline presented in the slides. Each slide must have the requisite speaker notes to explain the material/data presented in the slides as if you are making a formal presentation and expect to verbalize those words.

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Business Management: Each slide must have the requisite speaker notes to explain
Reference No:- TGS02391866

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