
Management Information Systems -- WA 2015

After studying Chapters One to six you now have the background necessary to start learning about Business Application - the Subject of Chapters 7 - 10.

We will need one week to study the very important subjects of Security and Ethical Challenges (Chapter 13) and Enterprise and Global Management of Information Technology. That leaves us very little time for the study of Business Applications.

So we are going to make Business Applications the subject of your Course Project. The Project is:

Select an application from the list below that you would like to study in depth. Send me an email indicating the application that you selected and explaining why you made the selection you did. Due not later than Sunday February 1st.

a. Study the application in your text book.
b. Do your own research on how many companies offer the application and do a comparative analysis of the features of each company's product. You must have at least three suppliers.
c. Give your readers guidelines on what features of each application should be considered (and why) in selecting a supplier.
d. Educate your readers on what related products/services will be needed to not just purchase the application but to properly implement putting it into service (for example, PC's, PC, Router, Training, product Support.....

The report much be APA Style and written in good Business English. A copy of your work will be made available to all students in the course. You references should have at least five entries and at least one must be a video presentation of the product.

E-commerce Applications

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Management Theories: E-commerce
Reference No:- TGS0927242

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