
Dysfunctional conflicts at the workplace

In around 100- to 200-word summary. Use the points below to craft your summary:

Which Stage I, II, III, IV and V elements are evident. Descriptions? List three to four elements, for example, perception, types of intentions, and behavior.

Provide a short description of how the Stage elements played a part in your classmate's conflicts.

Stage I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility
Stage II: Cognition and Personalization Stage
Stage III: Intentions
Stage IV: Behavior

The dysfunctional conflict had been at my workplace. Each month I am responsible for updating customers' expired credit card on their accounts and had fallen behind. My accounting manager had sent an email to myself and a co-worker expressing that we should team up and get them handled. I replied to my co-worker that he could take a stack off my desk and start in. I received no reply, and thought to myself that maybe he did not hear me, this time he said okay. Time went by and he had made no attempt to help me. I passed by his desk and notice that he was playing solitaire on his IPod and I did not say anything. The next day my manager asked if I received help from him and I decided that I would tell her everything. My boss kept her cool but I could see she was not happy by the reaction on her face.

I believe this was a task conflict because we had a goal to complete, but also a process conflict because it related to how the task was to get done. I believe this conflict happened because of his inability to be part of the team and his lack of motivation. The conflict was solved by my manager bringing this person into the office and handling it. I do not know what was said except what I heard through the grapevine. He was given a warning about his behavior; it was not the first warning. This person recently was terminated because a similar situation happened again.

The functional conflict I experienced happened last week when a co-worker and I had a list of end of month accounting tasks assigned to us by our manager. It was quite large and we already had enough on our plates, but it was a priority that we complete them by the end of the day. I consider this to be a process conflict because we had goals that needed to be completed and had to critical think about how to organize ourselves so we could achieve this goal. All day long she and I stayed focused and communicated through the whole process. By the end of the day we finished right on schedule and celebrated by giving a high five to each other. The next day my boss was so pleased with what we had accomplished that she handed both of us a monetary company reward.

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Other Management: Dysfunctional conflicts at the workplace
Reference No:- TGS01772601

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