
Dyou ever find yourself reflecting on your childhood

Respond to Peers: Respond to at least two classmates. In each response

Suggest an improvement to the organization of your classmate's outline.

State whether your classmate's purpose is clear. If it is not clear, explain what is confusing.

State whether the introductory paragraph gets your attention and whether the purpose is clearly conveyed in the introductory paragraph.

Response posts must be 125 to 200 words in length. If you have questions about how to participate in discussions, consult "About Discussions" under the Course Home menu. You are not required to support your claims with additional scholarly sources; however, should you decide to use additional sources, make sure you properly cite any references. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center's Citation and Reference Guide for guidelines on citing sources in APA style

Peer one

Do you ever find yourself reflecting on your childhood? Have you ever wished that you could go back? For me, life seemed simple growing up in the small town of Malad City Idaho. I miss the long summer days, camping in our backyard, and family adventures. As I reflect on my past, I realize what made my childhood so wonderful. In Malad you will find extremely low crime rates, a strong family-friendly spirited town, and picturesque surrounding mountains. Life was simple, and that is what made my childhood beautiful.

I. Low crime rate allows freedom for kids to be kids.

A. Safe environments such as parks, public pool, back yard
B. Peace of mind with no fear of disappearing
C. Trusting community

To be a kid with no cares in the world offers more adventure. Additionally a friendly environment does as well.

II. Family-friendly communities offer a sweet charm to a childhood.

A. Positive social structure
B. Knowing our neighbors made relationships more special
C. Always welcoming with big open arms to new comers

My childhood community was beautiful and alive with spirit. Just as beautiful and alive as the scenery that surrounded my town.

III. Picturesque Mountains.

A. Beautiful landscape
B. National and state parks close for family road trips and camping.
C. Living in the moment atmosphere

Spending a great deal of my childhood with beautiful scenery and the opportunity to camp in Idaho's mountains allowed me to live in the moment more.

As a child, I had freedom to play, explore, and have adventures with no worries. I built strong relationships with my community, and I had the opportunity to explore the great outdoors of Idaho's national and state parks. I have many wonderful memories I treasure growing up underneath Idaho's big sky.

Peer two

Never would I have thought that as a senior in high school I would become a mother. I had so many things to look forward to. I was graduating this year, I was going off to college, and finally living life on my own. Life is so strange, you never know what to expect. Being a young mother has changed me a matured me as a woman.

I. Getting pregnant as a high school senior.

A. Starting my senior year

B. Finding out i was pregnant.

C. Telling my mother.

D. Deciding to keep the baby

II. During my pregnancy was so stressful.

A. Not going to the college i was accepted to.

B. Too tired to do anything

C. Losing friends

D. Not going to prom

III. During my last trimester i was having complications

A. Missing days of school.

B. Not walking the stage

C. Losing my baby

D. Healthy baby

IV. Finally graduating

A. Going to college

B. living on my own

C. Having another

D. Today

V. Conclusion: Even though I may have became a young mother, I wouldn't change anything about it. It gave me a different outlook on life. I couldn't imagine my life without my daughters. It doesn't stop you from doing the things you want in life, you just have to go about it differently.

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Dissertation: Dyou ever find yourself reflecting on your childhood
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