
Dynamics of group counseling group application paper


Dynamics of Group Counseling Group Application Paper Due no later than the beginning of class (10:00 am) on November 27 To complete this assignment, imagine you are working in the Social Services field and have been asked to plan/develop a new group. Using the outline below, please describe your group and your plans in a brief written assignment. The assignment should be typed, single-spaced, and include a basic cover page. The assignment should be about 2 pages (at least) when completed, not counting the cover page. As you write this assignment, please discuss:

The type of group you plan to develop - 12-Step, Support, Counseling, etc. - as well as the population you plan to serve through the group (including the topic of the group).

Will your group be an open or closed group? Why? If closed, how many sessions will your group meet, how often will it meet, and how long will each group session be?

Use the remainder of the paper to outline the first two sessions of your group, using Chapter 4 of your textbook as a guide if you need it. As you outline your plans, please make sure you outline and discuss: o What do you want to see happen in each session? What should be accomplished; can you describe a basic goal you might have for each session? o What kind of ice-breakers and exercises do you plan to use at the beginning of each session? What would be the purpose/goal of those activities? o Once each session has started, how will you use the bulk of each group meeting? What issues or topics might you have the group discuss and share about? Are there any kinds of activities you might have group members engage in? o How will you wrap each session up?

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HR Management: Dynamics of group counseling group application paper
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