
Dynamic programming and greedy technique

Q1. Write down the algorithms for the basic operations on stack.

Q2. The circular queue with f = 6 and R = 2 are given, write down the values of R and F after each operation in the sequence: insert, delete, delete, insert, delete.

Q3. Describe about the height balanced tree.

Q4. Describe the Prim’s algorithm for making a minimum spanning tree for a weighted graph. Describe the effectiveness of this algorithm.

Q5. Describe any two external sorting.

Q6. Describe and analyze Moris Pratt Algorithm

Q7. Describe the worst and average case time complexities of the binary search.

Q8. Describe the divide and conquer method with an illustration.

Q9. Describe traveling salesperson problem by using dynamic programming and greedy technique?

Q10. Solve the knapsack problem by using the backtracking.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Dynamic programming and greedy technique
Reference No:- TGS012212

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