
dynamic initialization of objectsit is

Dynamic Initialization of objects:

It is initializing the objects by passing the valued to the constructor from the user input or

other means.   Through cin operator a value can be stored in a variable and passed through a constructor this form of initializing an object is known dynamic initialization.

Dynamic Constructor:

The memory allocation for a constructor can be managed using new operator called new,

similarly the memory can be free with another operator called deleter.


class dynmem

{ char *name;

int length;



{length =0;

name = new char[length+1];


dynmem(char *s)

{length = strlen(s);

name = new char[length+1];//for null terminator



void display(void)



void join(dynmem &a, dynmem &b);


void dynmem::join(dynmem &a, dynmem &b)

{length = a.length+b.length;

delete name;

name = new char[length+1]; strcpy(name,a.name); strcat(name,b.name);


void main()



char *first="Electronic ";

dynmem name1(first);

dynmem name2("and Communication ");

dynmem name3("Engineering"); dynmem s1,s2; s1.join(name1,name2); s2.join(s1,name3); name1.display();

name2.display(); name3.display(); s1.display(); s2.display();


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C/C++ Programming: dynamic initialization of objectsit is
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