
Dying Process

Describe the physical changes of dying, along with their implications for defining death and the meaning of death with dignity.

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Please be sure that if you cite or paraphrase another source, the citation and reference information are provided in appropriate APA style.

My grandmother died of cancer (lung). She died in the early 1970s. I remember sitting at her bedside when I was 14 praying God would

take her because she was so miserable. She stopped eating and weighed 72lbs. She was only 5'2" to begin with. Times have certainly changed since her death, at least for me anyway.

I am more accepting of death. I have often wondered if people go through this dying process for us to let go. What do you think?

Cultural background is important to look at when you are working with any client. Remember, there are cultures, subcultures, and personal beliefs and thoughts within every individual. How would you work with your client who is dying to help meet his or her needs?

What is brain death?

Resources for Families and Dying People

What services are available to meet the needs of dying people and their families? In your opinion, which are most effective and why?

Please copy and paste this response into the body of your reply then give your response. Remember, responses should be substantive.

Please post your responses to this thread. Utilize at least one reference.

Please be sure that if you cite or paraphrase another source, the citation and reference information are provided in appropriate APA style.

What does dying with dignity mean to you?

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Other Subject: Dying
Reference No:- TGS01096462

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