
Dvg a minor was injured by being false arrested by beta

Question: D.V.G., a minor, was injured by being false arrested by Beta Security guards because they suspected the minor of stealing a SONY television. Beta Security guards also broke the minor's wrist and punctured his lung by breaking his ribs while the minor was resisting arrest. The Beta Security Company is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. D.V.G. and Beta Security entered into an agreement. D.V.G.'s attorney submitted a settlement agreement in the State of Pennsylvania Eastern District courthouse. DVG died from an unrelated auto accident before the Court approved the agreement. Beta Security stated that it is not bound by the agreement because a minor has a lack of capacity to contract and cannot enter into a contract without approval of the court. (Hint: See Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. v. Wood, 402 So. 380 (Ala. 2013. Analogize this to the above fact pattern, and tell me should Beta be bound by the agreement. Fully explain.

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Management Theories: Dvg a minor was injured by being false arrested by beta
Reference No:- TGS02697877

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