Creating an Oral Presentation: Pitch to Guy Kawasaki
Could you interest an angel investor such as Guy Kawasaki in your business idea? The venture capitalist believes that if you must use more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don't have one. Furthermore, Kawasaki claims that the ten topics a venture capitalist cares about are the following:
1. Problem
2. Your solution
3. Business model
4. Underlying magic/technology
5. Marketing and sales
6. Competition
7. Team
8. Projections and milestones
9. Status and time line
10. Summary and call to action
Your Task. Dust off that start-up fantasy you may have, and get to work. Prepare a slideshow that would satisfy Kawasaki's 10/20/30 rule: In ten slides and a presentation of no more than 20 minutes, address the ten topics that venture capitalists care about. Make sure that the fonts on your slides are at least 30 points in size. You may want to peek at the coverage of business plans in Chapter 13.
Text Book: Business Communication: Process and Product By Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy.