1- FMLA leave, when associated with care of a service member, is allowed for as many as ____ work weeks in a 12-month period.
A. 26
B. 12
C. 6
D. 18
E. 36
2- Upon completion of FMLA leave, the employee will return to work to
A. any open position
B. any part-time position
C. a position of promotion
D. an equivalent position
3- During the last 80 years, congress added multiple mandatory employee benefits, causing the cost of providing benefits to
A. decrease
B. adjust for inflation
C. increase
D. stay the same
4- Which type of retirement plan guarantees the amount and type of a retiree’s benefits?
A. 401(k) plans
B. Defined contribution plans
C. SEP retirement plans
D. Gainsharing plans
E. Defined benefit plans
5- How many credits must an individual receive in a lifetime to become eligible for social security retirement?
A. 40
B. 50
C. 65
D. 20
E. 67