During the investigation into Baker's case, it is discovered that he was trying to become a member of The Blades gang and had murdered the girl's parents as part of a gang initiation rite. This gang has a violent history throughout the state. A few weeks later, some members of The Blades brag about the crime in a blog published by the group.
These blogs were a focus of media stories for several nights with extensive commentary by "experts" in the field. The media also highlighted the other entries in The Blades blogs which contained a number of details about violent crimes. The Eagles, a rival gang of The Blades, dislikes the media attention that The Blades gang is receiving and guns down a key member of The Blades to gain attention and make a statement to The Blades.
A analysis and recommendations would be used by the governor's "back to society" program, which focuses on rehabilitating juvenile offenders.
Myths pertaining to juveniles in the community and how they can be addressed. Is the theory of juvenile superpredators real or a myth?
Are we too lenient or too harsh on juveniles, especially, those who commit violent crimes?
How can we structure the juvenile justice system to avoid injustice and oppression of juveniles? Does the juvenile justice system have prejudicial overtones? How can these be addressed?
What can be done to control the youth gang violence in the community? How can children be dissuaded from committing crimes and forming crime gangs?
What obstacles must be overcome to create a viable "back to society" rehabilitation program, which includes educational and vocational components?
The best possible outcome of the case for the community and for Baker.