Question: During the 2007-2008 NCAA college basketball season, men's basketball teams attempted an all-time-high number of 3-point shots. avenging 19.07 shots per game (Associated Press Sports. January 24. 2009). In an attempt to discourage so many 3-point shots and encourage more inside play. the NCAA rules committee moved the 3-point line back from 19 feet, 9 inches to 20 feet. 9 inches at the beginning of the 2008-2009 basketball season. Shown in the following table are the 3-point shots taken and the 3-point shots made for a sample of 19 NCAA basketball games during the 2008-2009 season.
a. What is the mean number of 3-point shots taken per game?
b. What is the mean number of 3-point shots made per game?
c. Using the closer 3-point line, players were making 35.2% of their shots. What percentage of shots were players making from the new 3-point line?
d. What was the impact of the NCAA rules change that moved the 3-point line back to 20 feet. 9 inches for the 2008-2009 season? Would you agree with the Associated Press Sports article that stated. -Moving back the 3-point line hasnt changed the game dramatically"? Explain.