During one part of the daily show clip an energy

During one part of the Daily Show clip, "An Energy Independent Future," the first President Bush is heard talking about decreasing our dependence on foreign oil. Stewart says, "and, he would have done it, too, if it hadn%u2019t been for these (SUVs) showing up." Then video of advertising for SUVs is shown. Using INFERENCE, explain why the appearance and popularity of SUVs on the US auto market might have hurt attempts to decrease US consumer%u2019s dependence on foreign oil.

Stewart also says, "That thing could really tow the boat I don%u2019t have up the mountain I don%u2019t live near." Use inference %u2013what Stewart said, plus what you know about SUVs, (think gas mileage, usage, etc.) to answer this question: What can you CONCLUDE about Stewart%u2019s feelings about US consumer%u2019s purchase and use of SUVs?

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Other Subject: During one part of the daily show clip an energy
Reference No:- TGS0619482

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