
During data and process modeling

Personal Trainer, Inc. 
During data and process modeling, you developed a logical model of the proposed system. You drew an entity-relationship diagram and constructed a set of leveled and balanced DFDs. Now you are ready to consider various development strategies for the new system. YOu will investigate traditional and Web-based approaches and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of in-house development versus other alternatives. As you move ahead to the system design phase, you will review design guidelines, consider the use of the prototypes, and analyze the possible use of codes.
1.Should the new system be designed as a Web-based system? Why or why not WHat are some specific issues and options that you should consider in making a decision?
2. Assume that the president of Personal TRainers, has asked you to prepare a system requirements document and deliver a presentation to the management team. What should be the main eleents of the system requirements document? Also, based on the suggestions of whiteboards,flip charts, overhead transparencies, slides, fils, and videotapes, what visual aids should you use during your presentation?
3. Should you use a prototype during systems design? What options do you have and how would you advise?
4. You want to prepare a presentation that will claculate the total cost of owenership for the system. What financial analysis tools are available to you, and what are the advantages ( and possible disadvantages) of each tool?

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Data Structure & Algorithms: During data and process modeling
Reference No:- TGS096449

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