
Due to new duties assigned to fred your boss he is not

At the end of Chapter 6, read Applications 6.1 "Appraisal Time" on page 213 in the textbook. Then, answer the questions provided below (not the questions in the textbook). Each question should be answered separately. Number your answers to each question.

1. Due to new duties assigned to Fred (your boss), he is not around much. Communication with Fred has been difficult. Chapter 4 lists eight ideas to break down communication barriers. Choose three of the ideas.

2. Explain each idea and how you would apply it to the communication problem with Fred. You would like to protest your appraisal evaluation. Explain the difference between an informal protest and formal protest. Do you feel an informal or formal protest is most appropriate and why? Describe how you plan to protest the evaluation?

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Operation Management: Due to new duties assigned to fred your boss he is not
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