
Due date 06 jan 2015 - tuesday of week 9 at 500 pm aest

Assessment Task 2 - Written Assessment
Due date 06 Jan 2015 - Tuesday of Week 9 at 5.00 PM (AEST) Quality of Management Information Weighting 20% Length 2,000 - 2,500 words (Approximately) Format Submit this assignment in a report format Amidst other problems, HIH (Heath International Holdings) was plagued by a variety of deficiencies in its information systems. As a result, it was deprived of timely and reliable information as a basis for management decisions. Questions concerning the reliability of information provided to management and the (HIH) group's ability to keep track of the financial impact of its operations arose time and again throughout the Commission's inquiries. The problems identified were exacerbated by a complex corporate structure and the group's ever-expanding operations.
(Source: HIH Royal Commission 2003, Final Report, Vol. III).

1. Refer to the COBIT framework to identify the criteria for good management information. Undertake a review of literature to explain whether accounting information systems need to meet these criteria. Refer to at least 4 refereed journal articles. (5 Marks)

2. Carry out a research to examine how the deficiencies in HIH's accounting information systems vis-à-vis weaknesses in its internal control systems undermined the quality of management information. Refer to the HIH Royal Commission's Final Report and other public documents.

3. As an accounting graduate, if you were in a position to provide advice to HIH group before its collapse, discuss what suggestions you would provide to this company for achieving quality information to management. Use your knowledge of AIS and different control frameworks.

You are required to write and submit this assignment in a report format with an executive summary and conclusions. Marks will also be provided for presentation including grammar, punctuation and appropriate references in the text and in the list. Please see the marking criteria.

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Science: Due date 06 jan 2015 - tuesday of week 9 at 500 pm aest
Reference No:- TGS01247071

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