
Dual capacity of human mind

Truth and deception are constantly working in our minds. It is always easier to perceive truth and deception in the lives of others than in our own. For example a parent might watch their small child trying to step over something in the yard. They realize that the child is going to trip and fall over. The child however feels that he can accomplish the goal. He trips and falls over. The parent understood the truth. America's funniest home video is a classic example of this phenomenon. The audience sees a young man setting up a stunt for his skateboard, motorbike or bicycle. The audience understands that this is not a good idea and realizes the possible negative consequences, something that seems to never have entered the mind of the young man. The stunt is attempted, an awesome wipeout occurs and the prediction of the audience is validated. How many times do we see the person weighing three hundred pounds about to sit in the swing of a child's playground swing set? We groan because we see the truth of what will happen. They sit down and the swing set sags and then collapses.

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