
Dssertation- middle east college - coventry university -

Prepare Dissertation on Tourism Impact and Effective in National Economy and Investment

Country - Oman

Dissertation report

The project/ report represent the culmination of all the work and effort put in over an extended period of time. As such it serves to communicate this work, the purpose behind it and the various findings that may have emerged, to the outside world. Bear in mind that it is normally the only tangible evidence of your project remaining after you have graduated. The report must be word-processed with a maximum length not to exceed 15,000 words.

This length is exclusive of title, preliminary pages, table of contents page, figures, tables, appendices and references.


Projects vary considerably, but a typical report will contain the following sections or chapters:

- Title Page Mandatory. An example is given in Appendix D
- Abstract Mandatory
- Declaration of Originality Mandatory. Must be signed and dated by the student. See Appendix E
- Acknowledgements Mandatory
- Table of Contents Mandatory
- List of Tables Mandatory
- List of Figures Mandatory

(Chapters will be subject area dependent. Consult with supervisor)
- CHAPTER 1 Introduction
- CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature
- CHAPTER 3 Methodology
- CHAPTER 4 Presentation and Analysis of Data
- CHAPTER 5 Conclusions ,Recommendations and student reflection
- References Mandatory. Must be CU Harvard style
- Appendices Some mandatory

Write assignment based on the proposal.

Strengths of the proposal:

1- Good understanding of literature review.

2- There is good understanding on the project and the outcome of the project.

Literature review require appropriate book and journal citations, with specific authors cited instead of unauthenticated citation (Anon)

You write this assignment in 5 chapters

chapter one 2500 words
chapter two 5000words
chapter three 2500 words
chapter four 2500 words
chapter five 2500 words

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Dissertation: Dssertation- middle east college - coventry university -
Reference No:- TGS02855315

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