
Ds-630 - the dataset you will use can be found at the uci

R programming

In this assignment you will use the lda algorithm from the MASS pack-age, the knn algorithm from the class package, and the glm function for logistic regression in R to classify malignant vs. benign breast tumors. The dataset you will use can be found at the UCI Machine Learning Repository and is labeled Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic).

This dataset contains the ID, diagnosis, and 30 real-valued input features. You are to split the dataset into two pieces: a training set consisting of the first 75% of the observations, and a test set consisting of the remaining observations.

Please use your best judgement to preprocess your data appropriately and employ all three algoriths lda, knn, and glm to predict the correct diagnosis for as many test instances as possible. Report your findings along with a written explanation of your process and results. Note, be sure to compare and constrast your results employing each algorithm.

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Advanced Statistics: Ds-630 - the dataset you will use can be found at the uci
Reference No:- TGS02665015

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