
Drypers corporation national television advertising

Drypers Corporation National Television Advertising Campaign Case (textbook: Strategic Marketing Problems)

How would you characterize the U.S. disposable diaper and training your market?

How would you characterize the Drypers Corporation competitive position and marketing effort in the U.S. disposable diaper and training pant market? What might a SWOT analysis look like?


-What is the net market covered by Drypers?

-How does increased distribution coverage translate to higher market share?

-Give an overview of the company’s marketing efforts.

Is there an advertising opportunity for Drypers brand?

-Assess based on criteria given in chapter 6

Is the $10 million expenditure for a national television advertising campaign too high, too low, or about right? Why?

-Objective-task approach

-Competitive-parity approach

-Equivalent spending level on a per-share basis and target market share in grocery store accounts

What is your assessment of the short- and long-term sales and brand-building effect and profit impact of the national television advertising campaign?

-Provide justification for the effort

-Media plan and scheduling strategy

-How much incremental sales needed to recoup advertising expense (breakeven analysis concept).

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