
Drug prevention program flourishes in an environment

A drug prevention program flourishes in an environment rather than a program.

Paper instructions:

Write a position posting in favor of or against the idea presented in the White Paper, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and other holistic psychologists that the self-awareness approach toward drug use is a viable one that can be used successfully for stopping drug use.

White Paper:

A drug prevention program flourishes in an environment rather than a program. In developing a theory of human behavior and motivation, Maslow (1968) stated that there are several basic needs that must be met before an individual can function effectively within an environment and move in the direction of learning and growth (see Maslow Hierarchy Handout attached).

Two of the needs that Maslow defines as basic, relate directly to the adolescent’s need to experience a sense of significance.  Maslow notes that individuals have a need for feelings of (1) love and belonging.  They need to receive support from significant other.   Educators, school counselors, and parents working with adolescents should examine their interactions to see if they are responding to the young people’s needs for (2) a sense of competence, by providing them with opportunities to be involved and assume responsibility, within a reasonable amount of structure.  Positive experiences which are appropriate to the students’ needs build confidence. The degree to which each adolescent experiences a sense of significance is the degree to which their self-image (and behavior) is positively affected.

Because a young persons’ decision to use or not to use alcohol and or / other drug is frequently derived from the sum of his or her attitudes toward him or herself and the world, teachers have potentially a strong role to play in the whole matter of substance abuse by the young.  Dr. Michael Rutter (1979), a British psychiatrist, indicated that even children from disadvantaged homes can deal positively with adversity, through the interactions provided in a warm and accepting atmosphere of a school with teachers and counselors who are open to the students.

The attitude a teacher or school counselor conveys makes a deeper, more profound impression on the student than all the factual information in a textbook.  Students work better when they feel their teacher and school counselor care about them and when there is substantial use of praise and approval in the classroom setting.  A teacher’s opinion of a student often plays a very important part in the student’s own opinion of him or herself!This message is a part of the information from the environment that the student will internalize to create his or her self-image.  Carl Rogers (1970) and other humanistic psychologists believe that the most important aspect of personality evaluation is how the person sees him or herself.   William Glasser (1969) placed a great emphasis on the quality of the adult-adolescent relationships and the degree to which the young person sees him or herself as valued by adults.

Young people learn TO be what they SEE and EXPERIENCE.


Write a position posting in favor of or against the idea presented in the White Paper, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and other holistic psychologists that the self-awareness approach toward drug use is a viable one that can be used successfully for stopping drug use.

Remember it is possible to argue against or in favor of the idea without evidence, data, or expert opinion, but doing so, is just your personal opinion.  It will not meet the criteria of this posting and discussion.

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Reference No:- TGS01432808

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