
Drones are ethical and drones are not ethical and taking

Rephase the following summary below, here is the subject:


"Drones are Ethical" and "Drones are Not Ethical," and taking note of the different considerations they make, identify one argument made in the videos that is clearly a utilitarian argument, and explain what makes it utilitarian. (It can be an argument for or against the use of drones). Also identify an argument that would not be a utilitarian argument (this can also be an argument for or against the use of drones). Explain how this sort of argument differs from a utilitarian one (you do not need to identify what kind of argument it is instead, just to point out how the considerations are different than utilitarian ones).Discuss with your peers whether the arguments they make are utilitarian or not, and the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches.

Rephase the following:

Drones have for a long time been considered an alternative for soldiers in the battle field. Ever since their introduction by the CIA as a major tool in combating terrorism mostly in the Middle East. They were used for killing targeted enemies from a distance without their knowledge. This paper therefore aims at addressing the unethical nature of the use of drones based on the videos Drones are ethical and drones are not ethical.

The use of drones in the video Drones are ethical tends to display drone use as a positive impact during war since it helps in eliminating the terrorists that threaten the stability of a country and have become a threat to peaceful coexistence around the world; clearly a utilitarian argument.  On the other hand in the video drones are not ethical, the manner the drones have been used to kill people randomly has led to the death of a lot of innocent people (Thames, 2013). This is indeed not a utilitarian argument since it is likely to lead to the death of a high number of innocent people.

In view of the above, the use of drones is clearly unethical. The drone strikes are seen as striking lower than the psychological cost of the military attack thereby making the military attacks common and in the long run it results to greater harm in the long run (Thames, 2013). The innocent people end up suffering in the event any drone operation is undertaken thus exposing the people to fear. When waging war against a particular terrorist group, there is need for considering that wherever they stay they have families their own families, a group of innocent individuals that constitute women and children. Proceeding with such an attack without taking these into account clearly lead to the rise in the level of demeaning and inhuman actions taken on innocent people.

The advances in technological inventions greatly affect the manner the world is viewed and the manner it influences the relationship between each other. In such a case, the individuals being attacked by the drones are viewed merely as pawns and their value as human beings clearly dies out. Demeaning a fellow human being in the name of working with a weapon is clearly unethical since not all those in the targeted area are guilty of terrorist attack.

Moreover, people see the use of drones as highly disrespectful since it aims at doing away with the human dignity. It seems as though the enemies are treated like vermin because of using drones. The opponents are clearly demeaned when being fought with such weaponry and thus the use of drones is clearly unethical. In addition, the drones are seen as a series of problems due to the undercover attacks that are connected to problems arising from war because of the conflicts that are mainly experienced in the Middle East. For a country as the United states, the use of drones goes against its principle of supporting human rights and by secretly using drones that end up killing innocent people, clearly goes against their goal for human rights.

In conclusion, there is great need for concern in using drones as an alternative arsenal in the battle field. The fact that the drones kill even innocent people is a cause for alarm. It is unknown what will happen in the event that the program being used to control the drones is corrupted- this is highly likely to be a situation whereby the people may end up losing their lives even in the areas that were not initially targeted. This thus clearly shows that the use of drones is unethical and there is need for exploring a better alternative that is less threatening to people's lives.

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Dissertation: Drones are ethical and drones are not ethical and taking
Reference No:- TGS02680414

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