Drawing textual evidence from the story of the stone and

Content: For this essay, you choose one Chinese cultural topic or theme, . Pick something of interest to you. Focus on one aspect, drawing textual evidence from the Story of the Stone, and supporting your argument with proper secondary sources (e.g. academic journals from JSTOR, available via your library account).

Format: Each essay must be typed, at least full 5 pages in length, double spaced, using font size 12 of Times New Roman with one inch margins. A paper copy must be turned in in person at the beginning of class on the due day. Do not use a cover page, instead, at the upper-left corner, list your name, essay#, and the due date. Center your essay title. Be very cautious about using correct citation and proper reference listing. Make sure you consult a style guide (e.g. MLA, Chicago).

Grading: For this assignment, you will be graded on 1) the organization and format of the paper, 2) strength of your thesis statement, 3) effectiveness in develop your argument through textual evidence from primary sources and supporting ideas from secondary sources *Wikipedia and other similar online sites are not considered as academic sources, and 4) the quality of prose.

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Dissertation: Drawing textual evidence from the story of the stone and
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