
Drawing on relevant nursing and social science literature -

Aim of assessment:

One important way that infants and young children learn about their world is through their psychosocial devel- opment. This assessment item aims to provide you with an opportunity to explore the psychosocial development of children in more detail. Throughout the unit, you will examine psychological, social (psychosocial), cognitive and moral components of human development and understand the relationship of these to the shaping of an individual's self-concept. Commencing in infancy with attachment to parents and caregivers, psychosocial development, accord- ing to Erikson, continues throughout the lifespan and involves interactions with caregivers, peers, educators, and the wider social context. This development may be influenced by a variety of normative (expected) and non-normative (deviations from usual) events or circumstances which influence infant and early childhood development (Ho"nung et al, 2016).

Scenario Case Study 1:

Read the following:
Andrew is 6 weeks old and has been exclusively breastfed since birth. His mother Meg is 31 years old and is a first time mother. She is currently on 9-months maternity leave. Meg has noticed that Andrew has some unsettled periods throughout the day and night where he cries periodically, however he enjoys tummy time and is content when being cuddled by herself and her partner Tom. Tom is also on leave from work, but is resuming work in a week's time. Meg is feeding Andrew every four hours and reports that she is very tired, but that she has taken her midwife's advice, and is resting when the baby is sleeping. The midwife reports that Andrew is gaining weight, and Meg and Tom are adjusting well to parenthood, playing gently with their infant and interacting with him when he is awake. Essay Topic: Drawing on relevant nursing, midwifery and social science literature, and referring to the scenario Case Study 1, write an essay on the following topic:
What are some important aspects of psychosocial development and attachment that occur in infants aged between 0 - 6 months, and what may influence this development?

Scenario topic 2:

Julie, aged 2 years and 2 months old, is attending day care two days a week for five hours each day while her mother Victoria works. Victoria is concerned that her daughter is not yet toilet trained during the day or night, especially since she has noticed that other children her daughter's age seem to have mastered this skill during the day. Julie is speaking in four to five word sentences and communicating her needs well. The Child and Family Health Nurse has reassured Victoria that Julie is meeting all her developmental milestones, and will soon gain continence in her own time. The Nurse has referred Victoria to a mother's group in her local area to discuss strategies for toilet-training in

Topic: Drawing on relevant nursing and social science literature, and referring to the scenario Case Study 2,

What are some important aspects of pychosocial development that occur in children between the ages of two and five years (2-5 years), and what influences this development?

Note: Need only second Scenario.

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: Drawing on relevant nursing and social science literature -
Reference No:- TGS02912579

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