
Drawing from the readings in the morrison course text and

In your own words, summarize the five goals of professionalism presented in Chapter 1 of the Morrison course text and explain your understanding of how each goal "plays a powerful role in determining who and what a professional is" (Morrison, 2013, p. 4). Cite references to the readings and video programs to support your answers.

Drawing from the readings in the Morrison course text and from Video Program 1, describe how societal changes and changes in early childhood education have influenced both care and education in early childhood programs today. Explain how the evolution of early childhood programs offers evidence of the essential need for early childhood professionals to engage in lifelong learning.

Review the section on "Social Issues" affecting children on pages 39-49 of the Morrison course text. Drawing from the reading and from Video Program 2, explain the role of an early childhood professional in addressing these issues for children and families. Then choose one issue that is of special concern to you. Explain how you could show leadership in the future as an early childhood professional by addressing this need in your own community or at the state or national level.

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Dissertation: Drawing from the readings in the morrison course text and
Reference No:- TGS01577659

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