Answer the following questions.
Question 1)a) What is a state diagram? Describe how a state diagram is represented using the example.
b) Briefly describe advanced dynamic modelling concepts?
Question 2a) What is the purpose of using a functional model? Give suitable example of functional model.
b) Draw and describe a DFD for ATM Machine? Also describe the basic notations of DFD?
Question 3a) What is OMT? Describe various phases of OMT.
b) Draw OMT object model for the Registration system of a university?
Question 4)a) What is system design? Why we need to break system into sub system.
b) Describe the transformation process from design to implementation?
Question 5) Define and describe each of the following:
i) Management of data Store
ii) Architecture of ATM System
iii) Problem Statement
iv) Object Diagram Compiler