Question 1. Represent the following surfaces in the form z = f(x; y):
(a) the lower half of the sphere of radius 2 centred at the point (3,1,0),
(b) the plane crossing axis x at x = 1, axis y at y = 2 and axis z at z = 3,
(c) the surface obtained by moving the hyperboloid z = 1/(x2 + y2) the distance 3 vertically, in the direction opposite to z.
(d) Draw a contour diagram (either by hand or using a computer) for item (a).
(e) Represent each of the above functions as a level surface of some function of x; y; z.
Question 2. Find partial derivatives fx, fy, fxx, fyy, fxy of the functions
(a) f = cos(xy) ;
(b) f = ln(x2 + y) :
Question 3. A bar may lose of receive heat through its ends. The temperature T of the bar is the function of the distance x from one end, and time t:
T (x; t) = T0e at cos x ; -Π/2 < x < Π/2
where T0 and a are constants and a > 0. All the quantities are non-dimensional.
(a) What can you say about the temperature after long time, that is at large t?
(b) Find Tx(x; t) at the points x = - Π /2 and x = Π /2. What do these partial derivatives tell us about the temperature behaviour?
(c) Find Tt(x; t). What does this partial derivative tell us about the tem-perature behaviour?
Note that T0 and a are not specified, therefore use them as symbols in your solutions.
Provide complete and step by step solution for the question and show calculations and use formulas.