1. Give the adjacency list representation of the graph in Figure.
2. Give the adjacency matrix representation of the graph in Figure.
3. Draw three spanning trees that can be found in the graph in Figure.
4. Give the breadth-first traversal of the graph in Figure, starting from vertex A.
5. Give the depth-first traversal of the graph in Figure, starting from vertex A.
6. In the graph in Figure, find the degree, out degree, and in degree of vertices A, E, F, G, and H.
7. In the graph in Figure, find all nodes adjacent to:
a. node A
b. node F
c. node G
8. In the graph in Figure, find:
a. all noncyclic path from A to H
b. all noncyclic path from C to E
c. all noncyclic path from B to F