You are welcome, but not required, to use MATLAB or a graphing calculator (look up TREF) to solve each system of equations, and you are encouraged to learn these methods. Please show all work in setting up the system of equations before calculating a solution.
For the first two problems, consider the following circuit diagram (this might look somewhat familiar):

1) Using mesh analysis, find the Thevenin equivalent voltage Vim between A and B.
2) Now that you have Vm:
a. Find the Thevenin equivalent resistance RTH by:
i. Turning of all sources and finding RAB.
ii. Using the short-circuit current method.
b. Draw the Thevenin equivalent circuit and the Norton equivalent circuit between A and B.
For the next two problems, consider the following circuit diagram:

3) For this circuit, find the Thevenin equivalent circuit between A and B. Use superposition analysis to find VTH, and use any one of the applicable methods to find RTH.
4) For this circuit, find the Thevenin equivalent circuit between B and C. Use mesh analysis to find VTH, and use any one of the applicable methods to find RTH.
For the final problem, consider the following circuit diagram:

5) For this circuit, please find and draw:
a. The Thevenin equivalent circuit between A and B, using external excitation to find RTH.
b. The Norton equivalent circuit between A and B.